Nia, a young woman from the city, returns to her family home in the western Himalayas after a decade-long absence. Grappling with personal trauma, Nia forms an unexpected bond with Bhemi, an elderly mountain woman, and Sunny, a spirited young boy. As Nia begins to heal, she must confront the demons of her past while striving for a new beginning.
Subhadra Mahajan's mesmerizing feature debut takes us to the top of the world, where, among the snow-covered peaks of Himachal Pradesh in Northern India, a gentle story of hope and healing unfolds.
Feature Debut
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Director: Tim Fehlbaum | Germany 2024 | 94 minutes | English, German | Subtitles in Hebrew, English
More Infoabout September 5Director: Nelicia Low | Singapore, , Poland 2024 | 104 minutes | Mandarin | Subtitles in Hebrew, English
More Infoabout PierceDirector: Paolo Sorrentino | Italy 2024 | 136 minutes | Italian | Subtitles in Hebrew, English
More Infoabout Parthenope