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"This is no simple tale of bad hunter vs. innocent wild animal"

  • Archive - Festival 33
  • Director: Shaul Schwarz, Christina Clusiau
  • USA 2017
  • 108 minutes
  • English, Afrikaans
  • Subtitles in Hebrew, English

Endangered African species like elephants, rhinos, and lions march closer to extinction each year. Their devastating decline is fueled by a global desire to consume and collect these majestic animals. Trophy investigates the powerhouse businesses of big game hunting, breeding, and wildlife conservation.

Filmmakers Shaul Schwarz and Christina Clusiau grapple with the complex consequences of imposing economic value on animals. What are the ethical implications of treating animals as commodities? Do breeding, farming, and hunting offer some of the few remaining options to conserve these species before it's too late?

Filmography (Schwarz): Aida's Secrets (2016), Narco Cultura (2013).

  • Director Shaul Schwarz, Christina Clusiau
  • Production Lauren Haber, Julia Nottingham
  • Cinematography Shaul Schwarz, Christina Clusiau
  • Editing Jay Arthur Sterrenberg, Halil Effrat
  • Music Jeremy Turner, Erik Lee, Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans
  • Festivals Sundance, SXSW
  • Source Submarine, New York