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This mesmerising collection of film and video work by the Israeli artist is…, playing fast and loose with our credulity

The Guardian
  • Archive - Festival 32
  • Director: Omer Fast
  • Germany 2016
  • 85 minutes
  • German
  • Subtitles in Hebrew, English

Continuity begins as a straight-forward story of an emotional homecoming and turns uncanny as the two protagonists - a middle aged couple living in a small town in Germany - repeatedly invite different young men into their home to perform an inscrutable ritual.
A total of three different Daniels spend the night at the family house. Each disappears under mysterious circumstances until we see them all in a ditch at the end - neither dead nor alive, neither in Germany nor in Afghanistan.
Filmography: Remainder, (2015), Everything That Rises Must Converge (2013), Nostalgia, (2009).

  • Director Omer Fast
  • Production Irene von Alberti, Frieder Schlaich
  • Script Omer Fast
  • Cinematography Patrick Orth, Bernhard Keller
  • Editing Janina Herhoffer, Heike Parplies, Omer Fast
  • Music Angel
  • Festivals Berlin
  • Actors André M. Hennicke, Iris Böhm, Constantin von Jascheroff, Bruno Alexander
  • Source Filmgalerie 451, Berlin
