Agnieszka Holland brings to the screen the extraordinary untold story of Gareth Jones, an ambitious young Welsh journalist who travelled to the Soviet Union in 1933 and uncovered the appalling truth behind the Soviet “utopia” and Stalin’s regime. Initially a regular news investigation, Jones’ quest quickly turned into a life-or-death journey…
Actor James Norton is excellent as Jones - a contemporary of George Orwell, and widely considered an inspiration for his famous allegory Animal Farm.
Filmography: Spoor (2017), In Darkness (2012), Copying Beethoven (2006), Washington Square (1997), The Secret Garden (1993), Europa, Europa (1991).
Age 18 and older
Masterclass Agnieszka Holland will follow the screening on October 14th, at the Fesvial Garden at 5PM.
She will meet with the audience and speak about her illustrious career, TV work and award-winning films, creativity and diversity.
Moderator: Film critic David D’Arcy
In English - Free Entrance