Jiho Lim, better known as the "Wandering Chef", travels the Korean peninsula, in search of the most unique ingredients, honoring Mother Nature. For him, Nature is at the core of his life and his creative work. One day, he meets someone very special who leads him to the most incredible challenge: conceiving and cooking 108 plates in 24 hours - significant of 108 agonies of life in Buddhism.
Hye-Ryoung Park takes us on a heart-warming culinary journey that illustrates the deep connection between food, ritual and memory.
Filmography: Mother, I’m Fine (2008), Remember, I Love You (2006).
The screening will be followed by a conversation in the Festival Garden on: Sustainable gathering in the face of traditions and the different religions.
Speaker: Dr. Uri Mayer-Chissick
A PhD in the history of medicine and nutrition, Dr. Uri Mayer-Chissick founded a coaching program that trains local leaders of health, wrote three books, and teaches the importance of local, wholesome and traditional food all across Israel. He is also an expert on foraging edible wild plants.
Mayer-Chissick will talk about foraging, its importance, its medicinal benefits, the abilities we’ve lost over the years, the politics of foraging, over-foraging, and current trends in Israel and around the world.