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Kerosene | Kerosin

  • Archive - Festival 35
  • Director: Yusup Razykov
  • Russia 2019
  • 77 minutes
  • Russian
  • Subtitles in Hebrew, English

Pavla is an 80-year-old widow living in the only house still standing in the village Porozhki. Her daughter and granddaughter come on weekends to clean and bring food; on other days truck drivers stop by. The café up the road closed, the truckers had no place to eat and rest, and Pavla’s late husband came to her in a dream and told her to open her home. He also told her to get a pig.

Yusup Razykov presents an intimate, deceptively simple drama about love and loneliness.

Filmography: Sella Turcica (2017), Shame (2013), Guest Worker (2009), The Shepherd (2004).

  • Director Yusup Razykov
  • Production Alexander Gadalov, Yusup Razykov, Mikhail Molotov, Vladimir Kislitsyn
  • Script Yusup Razykov
  • Cinematography Yuri Mikhaylishin, Yuri Krauchuk
  • Music Sergey Starostin
  • Festivals Kinotavr-Socchi (Critics’ Award)
  • Actors Elena Ivanovna Susanina, Inna Stepanova, Evgenia Molotova, Valery Maslov, Sergey Genkin
  • Source Tritona Studio, Moscow