Filmmaker Terry Gilliam began filming The Man Who Killed Don Quixote in 2000 (the story of that fiasco can be seen in Lost in La Mancha, also screened in the Festival’s program). He Dreams of Giants picks up Gilliam’s story 17 years later as he finally gets the film into production and once again struggles to finish it. Facing him are a host of new obstacles: budget constraints, a history of compromise, and heightened expectations, all compounded by self-doubt, the toll of aging, and the nagging existential question: What is left for an artist when one completes the project that has defined the good part of one’s career?
Combining verité footage of Gilliam’s production with intimate interviews and archival footage from Gilliam’s entire career, He Dreams of Giants is a revealing portrait of a late-career artist and a meditation on the value of creativity in the face of mortality.
Filmography: The Bad Kids (2016), Brothers of the Head (2005), The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1996).
LOST IN LA MANCHA, The story of Gilliams mythological production failure, is also screened in the Festival’s program as a double feature.
On the purchase screen you can purchase a discounted ticket for the 2 movies.