On the Record, directed and produced by Oscar nominees Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering, presents the haunting story of former A&R executive Drew Dixon, whose career and personal life were upended by the alleged abuse she faced from her high-profile male bosses.
The documentary follows Dixon as she grapples with her decision to become one of the first women of color, in the wake of #MeToo, to come forward and publicly accuse hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons of sexual misconduct. The film chronicles Dixon’s story, as well as those of fellow Simmons accusers Sil Lai Abrams and Sheri Sher, delving into the ways black women’s voices are too often silenced and ignored when reporting these allegations.
Filmography: The Bleeding Edge (2018), The Hunting Ground (2015), The Invisible War (2012), This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006).