The controversial story "Judas" is set in Jerusalem in the winter of 1959. Shmuel Ash, a sensitive student who has dropped out of university takes a live-in job as companion to an elderly, incapacitated man, Gershom Wald, who needs someone with whom to argue.
Wald learns from Shmuel that he has stopped working on his thesis, which dealt with Jewish views on Jesus. The conversation between these two protagonists grapples with the humanity of Jesus.
Shmuel Ash tells Wald that he believes Judas was not a traitor at all, but in fact, the truest believer in Jesus’ divinity.
Another important part of the story is the relationship that develops between Shmuel and Wald’s daughter-in-law, Atalia Abravanel, a sensual and mysterious woman.
Interestingly, the story of the betrayal of Judas is juxtaposed with the story Atalia's late father, Shealtiel Abravanel, who opposed David Ben-Gurion over the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 which he believes will lead to endless wars between Jews and Arabs.
Gershom Wald, the bereaved father, finds in Shmuel a son which he will have to lose again. Shmuel falls in love with Atalia Abravanel in what becomes a tender coming-of-age, tale.
A tangle of stories tracing the roots of anti-Semitism in the world, the roots of the Jewish-Arab conflict, and the complex Israeli reality in the young country.
Screening in the presence of the creators