When Sharon, an ambitious art-house film producer, finds herself on the brink of bankruptcy, she seizes an opportunity to salvage her future and her sense of self-worth by collaborating with Uzi Silver, who had once been a revered director, but has since become an Ultra-Orthodox rabbi, and now wishes to make his comeback film – an adaptation of the biblical tragedy of King Saul. This joint effort soon turns out to be highly problematic, threatening to undo much more than their careers and their financial standing.
Screening in the presence of the creators
Director: Matthias Glasner | Germany 2024 | 183 minutes | German | Subtitles in Hebrew, English
More Infoabout DyingDirector: Adam Elliot | Australia 2024 | 94 minutes | English | Subtitles in Hebrew
More Infoabout Memoir of a SnailDirector: Eran Riklis | Israel 1999 | 98 minutes | Hebrew, English | Subtitles in Hebrew