Opera-loving Irishman Brian Fitzgerald lives in a small Peruvian city. Better known as Fitzcarraldo, this foreigner is obsessed with building an opera house in his town and decides that to make his dream a reality he needs to make a killing in the rubber business. In order to become a successful rubber baron, Fitzcarraldo hatches an elaborate plan that calls for a particularly impressive feat - bringing a massive boat over a mountain with the help of a band of natives.
Director Werner Herzog boldly embarked on the same journey, proving to be as driven and single-purposed as his protagonist. “As a document of a quest and a dream, and as the record of man's audacity and foolish, visionary heroism, there has never been another movie like it” - Roger Ebert.
Filmography: Queen of the Desert (2015), Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), Stroszek (1977), Heart of Glass (1976), Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972).