Jeanne Vaubernier, a working-class woman determined to climb the social ladder, employs her charms to break free from her impoverished condition. Her lover, the Comte du Barry, grown rich thanks to Jeanne's amorous intrigues, wishes to present her to the King and orchestrates a meeting through the influential Duke of Richelieu. The encounter goes far beyond his expectations: for Louis XV and Jeanne, it's love at first sight.
The Opening Film of the 2023 Cannes Festival, Jeanne du Barry is a fictionalized account of the true story that sparked scandal in the 18th Century French court. Filmmaker and actress Maïwenn celebrates the legendary destiny of Jeanne du Barry, a figure as flamboyant and daring as the director herself.
Filmography: DNA (2020), My King (2015), Polisse (2011).