Six films about nearness and alienation, repression and freedom
Screening in the presence of the creators
Blowing in the Wind
Israel 2023
Dir.: Nikolay Kouleshov
Pro.: Ronen Machlis Balzam, Hila Guy
Sc.: Nikolay Kouleshov
DP.: Yaniv Linton
Ed.: Shani beradt
Soundtrack Editing: Rei Elbaz
Music: Feliks Mirenskiy
Cast: Alon Friedman, Maya Simchi Atar,Ayala Orbach, Yoav Orbach, Kamel Al Halabi, Nizar Abo Fareeh, Abdallh Abu Freih
Produced with the support of: Negev Film Fund, Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
15 min. | Hebrew, English | Hebrew and English Subtitles
In that faraway place, where endless miles of sand meet the horizon, a tumbleweed bush decides to surrender itself to the wind. It detaches itself from the soil and starts to roll, wherever the wind takes it. Along the way, it will meet people, who are walking against the wind, and sometimes, against each other.
Time Out
Israel 2023
Dir.: Rita Borodiyanski
Pro.: Oren Rogovin, Omer Rogovin, Kobi Mizrahi
Sc.: Rita Borodiyanski
DP.: Avner Mayer
Ed.: Yotam Sas
Soundtrack Editing: Alex Feldman
Music: Alex Feldman
Cast: Suzann Papian, Maria Masha Seman
Source: Rogovin Brothers, KM Productions
Produced with the support of: Makor Film Fund
17 min. | English | Hebrew and English Subtitles
A portrait of a young woman from a struggling household, who serves as a soldier in the IDF checkpoint unit. When an emergency arises with her father back home, she must leave immediately. She decides to catch a young Palestinian trouble maker, in order to persuade her commander to let her go early.
Center of Life
Israel 2023
Dir.: Jacob Arenber
Pro.: Jacob Arenber
Sc.: Jacob Arenber, Yael Danon
DP.: Victor Palatnik
Ed.: Yael Danon
Soundtrack Editing: Rotem Dror
Source: The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television
Produced with the support of: Gesher Multicultural Film Fund, Blavatnik Fund
20 min. | English, Hebrew| Hebrew and English Subtitles
A "suspiciously unused toothbrush" and “a full fridge” are among the reasons that lead to the rejection of Wisam's citizenship application, with Israeli authorities questioning the authenticity of the life that he presented to them. Will Wissam, an Arab resident of East Jerusalem, be able to prove to them that his life is real?
Israel 2022
Dir.: Ania Kaspi Shema, Ania Kaspi Shema
Pro.: Anka Stusio
Sc.: Ania Kaspi Shema
Animation: Aya Honig, Noga Ben Dor, Ella Ben Yacov, Hila Mutayn
Soundtrack Editing: Zevik Perry
Music: Zevik Perry
Source: Anka Studio
Produced with the support of: The Israel Lottery Council for Culture & Arts, Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
8 min. | Hebrew | Hebrew and English Subtitles
Inna is a new immigrant in Israel in 1990. At the age of 14, she must cope with all the difficulties of learning the new language, getting used to the new unpolite culture and the most unexpected – Israeli boys. The letter she receives from her friend from Ukraine forces her to write a reply that emphasizes the gap between her desire to be loved and belong and all the difficulties and humiliation which she goes through at the period of absorption.
In the Mountain's Shade
Israel 2023
Dir.: Maya Kessel
Pro.: Tal Moskovich, Matan Glazovsky
Sc.: Maya Kessel
DP.: Gal Rumbak
Ed.: Gal El-Ad
Soundtrack Editing: Michael Emet
Music: Adam Weingrod
Cast: Mingzhe Zhang, Maya Yangzi Lazar, Li Le, Herzl Tobey
Source: Daizy Films
Produced with the support of: Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
22 min. | Hebrew | Hebrew and English Subtitles
In the midst of his working day, Ming is pulled out of his daily routine in the construction site to a place that reminds him of the home he had left. Surrounded by the artificial setting, suppressed longing return and rise within him.