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Frequently Asked Question

In order to enjoy discounted prices- you can purchase our multiple passes combinations before you purchase the tickets.

Please notice that while purchasing a topical pass (like Haifa Docu, which includes the documentary films at this year's festival)- you will have to choose your desired screenings.

To set up open tickets with an already purchased multiple pass, just go to the "Buy tickets" page for the screening you want to order tickets to.

If you are not already connected to the site, click on the "התחברות מנויים" button above the hall map.

* Connect via email and password (there is also a possibility to connect using a one-time code - just enter a mobile phone number and you'll receive a one-time password via SMS message)

*Click in the button “מימוש כרטיסיית 10 כניסות” and then select your seat at the screening.

*At the bottom of the page, click the red button "Add to Basket"

Attention, your order is not yet finished

*Click on the red button “Continue”.

Check to see if your personal information is correct and proceed to the bottom of the page. Click on the red button “Continue”.

*Your order has been successfully received!

The appearance of the  Purchase Confirmation on the next screen confirms your order, the tickets will now be sent automatically to your e-mail address.

A digital copy of the tickets will be sent automatically ti the e-mail address you filled while purchasing. 

An automated text message will be sent to your cell phone the day before each screening with a link to the digital tickets- so you can show them straight the the ushers at the entrance. There is no need to print the tickets.

If you'd like you can of course always visit us at the physical box office and ask to print your tickets.

Not a problem!

Just contact our box office by dialing *9300 and our sales representatives will gladly help with any change you would like to do.

Your selected seats will be reserved until the start time of the screening. In case you are running late, you will still be allowed to enter the screening up to 15 minutes after the screening's start time- but will be directed to the available seats ny our ushers. After 15 minutes we won't allow further entrance.

When you order a multiple pass and choose your desired screenings at the same time- you won't get the tickets attached to the e-mail at the end of your purchase- but by an automated text messaged to your cell phone the day before your screening.

Mind that you won't be able to use your ticket reserves that might be left in your multiple pass after the end of the festival and no refund will be issued for usused tickets. 

You can always contact our customer service representatives by dialing *9300 or by the contact form